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ADAMA Services

FUE: or Follicular Unit Extraction is a procedure in which we extract the hair follicle/s individually utilizing specialized equipment and then implant them individually into specifically prepared sites.

This transplantation will produce the appearance of fuller and thicker hair.
FUT: or Follicular Unit Transplantation is a procedure in which we take a small strip of tissue from the back of the head, which is then sutured closed and done so with a specialized technique in which there is little to no scar upon healing. The tissue is then sectioned and we remove the needed hair follicles and implant them individually into specifically prepared sites.

This transplant will produce the appearance of fuller and thicker hair.
Corrective Procedures
ADAMA conducts many corrective/reconstructive procedures. Approximately one third of ADAMA Clients are admitted as corrective/reconstructive in which we repair the flaws and damage of hair transplant procedures conducted in other clinics and centers around the globe. We also specialize in cases related to trauma/accidents/burns/birth abnormalities.
ADAMA offers “Camouflage” through the use of Scalp Micro-pigmentation is able to disguise thinning hair, cover scars, and in many cases a collective approach along with FUE or FUT to achieve a better result for our Client.

This transplantation will produce the appearance of fuller and thicker hair.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient's own platelets to accelerate the healing to promote hair growth

Eyebrow reconstruction
The goals of eyebrow reconstruction are to provide structural, functional, and aesthetic restoration