There are a lot of men out there who are growing beards these days. And for many, it's not just a fashion statement – it's a way to cover up bald spots or thinning hair. If you're one of those men, and you're looking for a way to restore your beard hair, you may be wondering if beard hair transplant is the right option for you.
Since beards are considered a symbol of masculinity, many men across the world are focusing more and more on their hair and beards today. The greatest way to grow thick, integrated facial hair is through a beard transplant.
Beard hair transplant is a surgical procedure that transplants hair from the scalp or any other part of the body to the beard area. It is used to fill in thinning or balding areas in the beard. The method has been used successfully to restore hair in other areas of the body, so it's likely that it can also be used to restore beard hair. The procedure is performed by a surgeon, and usually takes about four hours.
Beard transplants typically help those who suffer from male pattern baldness, genetic illnesses, wounds, or burns. What led to this Hair loss caused by genetics, medicines, lifestyle, trauma, etc. can be successfully treated through beard transplantation at Adama Center.
There are several methods of beard hair transplantation. The most common method uses follicular unit extraction (FUE). In this method, individual hair follicles are removed from the donor area and transplanted to the recipient area. Another method, called strip harvesting, involves removing a strip of skin from the donor area and dividing it into individual grafts. These grafts are then transplanted to the recipient area.
15–30 days following surgery, the hairs you have transplanted will start to fall out. The good news is that your newly formed beard hair is just about to undergo a growth spike. Your beard will have finished growing and most of the hair will have settled in within 90 days. Your beard starts to cover up around four months following surgery, and you can develop a full beard by nine months.
Why Should You Consider Getting a Beard Transplant?
Although beards and moustaches have had their "moments" over the years, a full set of beard has been trending for the past ten years and aren't going anywhere any time soon. While some people prioritize fashion, others view a beard as a cultural aspect and a status symbol that denotes masculinity.
A beard transplant at Adama Center can assist generate a fuller, more even look for men who want to grow a beard but are dissatisfied with the distribution and density of their facial hair, eradicating any uneven regions and providing a thicker stubble.
Beard hair transplant is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon. However, there are some risks associated with any type of surgery, including bleeding, infection, and scarring. There may also be some temporary discomfort following the procedure.
Final Thoughts
If you are considering a beard hair transplant, be sure to consult with a qualified surgeon who can discuss all of your options and help you decide if this procedure is right for you. Adama Center can help you determine if this treatment is right for you by helping you weigh the pros and cons and decide if a beard transplant is the way to go.
For more information, please contact us here.